The Violet Flame also called the Violet Fire is a unique spiritual energy that can help you transform your life.
It can help you to heal from physical illness, disease or problems emotionally, it can help you grow spiritually, or it can just make your life easier. It can also help you grow your relationships.
The Violet Flame is a tool for spiritual self transformation. It was given to us by Saint Germaine, the higherarch of the Aquarian Age and luminary of the twentieth century.
With his wisdom he brings forth a solution to the problem of our very ancient, very own complicated karma. He brings a teaching aid and a way of healing our lives. More importantly, he brings us the gift of the Violet Flame.
This is a spiritual energy that when used in accordance with the laws of alchemy can and will actually erase our very own complicated karma.
Saint Germain is a Master Alchemist, but if we don’t apply his solution it will not work for us. If we invoke it daily and religiously it can nulify us from the mountains of karma created within our lives, past lives, family karma past and present.
So he set to teaching it to us in the twentieth century.
The Violet Flame is the Seventh Ray of the Holy Spirit that will appear to certain spiritual beings that have developed their spiritual sight as purple.
The Violet Flame of transformation and purification is held under the excellence of Arch Angel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst under the guidance of Saint Germaine along with his twin flame Lady Portia Goddess of Justice and is being showered down upon the earth and humanity right now in this time of our evolution and ascension to assist the star seeds of humanity in their quests. We are to use it to transmute negative energy and karma. It is clearly here as an accelerant on the path to ascension. To use it as a tool for transmutation, and increasing vibrations.
We are to teach it to the rest of humanity. To guide and aid them.
The Violet Flame has vibrational purifying patterns and the ability to re-energize and enliven us. It is capable of changing negative energy into positive energy. By altering negative thoughts and feelings, the Violet Flame provides a solution for the healing of our souls.
The seventh flame of ceremonial order is for freedom, redemption, purification, ritual and organization and will be the over lighting ray for these next two thousand years.
The First Ray of will, power, and purpose will be the second most important active ray for the next two thousand years.
The Violet Flame will accelerate the transformation process by being able to return discordant vibrational patterns to neutral light substance. This will allow you to return to balance and harmony through your love and your conscious intentions. This is where you will begin to feel this in your physical, emotional, mental and etheric being. Thus returning you to peace love and a joyful existence.
When and if we invoke the Violet Flame daily, religiously, as if the world depended on us, we can literally dissolve the mountains of karma that troubles us and the world.🌎 Karma keeps our souls from flying high! The Violet Flame affects all contracts you have with others.
We can also ask for forgiveness. Although forgiveness is never easy, with the Violet Flame we will make spiritual progress. It produces a forgiving flame.
When we refuse to forgive we do ourselves a disservice. When we allow someone to keep hurting us over and over again, we sometimes cannot get over it and forgive the other person. We don’t realize that we’re tying ourselves to this anger and resentment. We’re not going to be free of this karma until it is balanced.
Everything you’ve had done to you and everything you’ve done to someone else (including grudges that you are holding for the wrongs that have been done to you) separates you from God. When you forgive, it brings you into alignment with your I Am presence. When you establish forgiveness you establish your Oneness with your Christ Self.
It will also set you free from self limiting beliefs and concepts.
The Violet Flame takes on a visible spiritual energy.
Saints and adepts of the East and West have long used the Violet Flame to accelerate their spiritual development.
It is time to step into to your Light Brothers and Sisters and Invoke the Violet Flame!
For eighty years Saint Germaine has been preparing the world for the Age of Aquarius. This is the spiritual era when freedom, peace and enlightenment become more possible. Saint Germain is mentioned in the Bible, in the book of Revelations. He’s known as the Seventh Angel, he’s teaching our souls to come up higher. He’s teaching us a new song, one of vibration and spiritual energy. A New Song that the world hasn’t seen in eons.
Saint Germain appeared to Guy Ballard, who is known as the author Godfre Ray King, who lived in the 1930’s and he gave the initial teaching of how to accelerate your spiritual path with the violet transmuting flame and the I AM affirmations. While during his first revelations about the Violet Flame, Saint Germain has said “The use of the violet consuming flame is more valuable to you and to all mankind than all the wealth, all the gold and all the jewels of this planet.” (The Voice of the I AM January 1941 p. 20)
When we invoke the Violet Flame we use an invocation first an I Am decree.
“In the name of Saint Germain”
I will leave Violet Flame Decrees below.
You may even make up your own.
There are more out there. These are just a few
Violet Fire, thou Love divine,
Blaze within this heart of mine!
Thou art Mercy forever true,
Keep me always in tune with you
Lovely God Presence, I AM in me,
Hear me now I do decree:
Bring to pass each blessing for which I call
Upon the Holy Christ Self of each and all.
Let Violet Fire of Freedom roll
Round the world to make all whole;
Saturate the earth and its people, too,
With increasing Christ-radiance shining through.
I AM this action from God above,
Sustained by the hand of heaven's Love,
Transmuting the causes of discord here,
Removing the cores so that none do fear.
The full power of Freedom's Love
Raising all earth to heaven above.
Violet Fire now blazing bright,
In living beauty is God's own Light
Which right now and forever
Sets the world, myself, and all life
Eternally free in Ascended Master Perfection.
Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM
I AM Forgiveness acting here,
Casting out all doubt and fear,
Setting men forever free
With wings of cosmic Victory.
I AM calling in full power
For Forgiveness every hour;
To all life in every place
I flood forth forgiving Grace.