Welcome to Angel Wings Reiki for Health and Wellness
Your Health Matters
Angel Wings Reiki for Health and Wellness has been keeping people healthy since 2008. I offer you quality healing care in your own environment at your own home. At Angel Wings Reiki for Health and Wellness, your health and the health of your loved ones is my number one priority. I invite you to find out more about my Healing and Teaching Sessions and the various services that I provide.

Healing & Energy Services
Personalized Healing Care & Teaching of Healing Techniques
Angel Wings Reiki for Health and Wellness knows what exceptional service truly means. Hi, My name is Dana Marie Bruer, I am a Licensed Practical Nurse and a Certified Reiki Master/Practitioner/Certified In Meditation/Intuitive Empath/Light Warrior/Light Worker/WayShower. Through personalized guidance and immense support I will see you through your energy needs. I’ve recently stepped into the role of an Ascension Guide. I’m here to share my vast knowledge that I’ve accumulated to ensure that all your healing and energy related needs are met. I will provide you with all the tools you need to lift your vibrations and walk out happier and more satisfied than ever before. I utilize frequencies, Binural Beats, isochronic tones and Solfeggio frequencies along with natural detoxing and whole diets and the use of Gaia for healing and wellness. I will guide you to the peace, serenity, energy, and bliss you are seeking for in your life. I will give you the tools to heal as you learn Reiki 1 & 2.I will restore blocked energy in those who have lost access to their’s due to illness or disease caused by blockages. I do this with healings and/or aura cleansing. It all depends on my intuition for that souls journey.I’ve also been guided by my higher self to offer ascension advice. Ascension is a new hot controversial topic for most. It is essential for our soul and for our presence in the physical body, emotional body, mental body and etheric body. All four of these bodies act like four sheaths surrounding the soul and vibrating at different levels. They each house one of these four aspects of you: etheric, mental, emotional and physical. They must be aligned to work in harmony. We live through our Three Fold Flame. This is your very own spark of God around your heart (spiritually not physically). It’s a sixteenth of an inch and is called threefold because it has three plumes one of a pink plume of love, compassion and service, one of a yellow plume of wisdom, understanding and knowledge, one of a blue plume that manifests Gods power, faith and goodwill. The plumes in your threefold flame can vary in size depending on how much energy you endow them with. It is essential for our soul and for our presence in the physical body, emotional body, mental body and etheric body to align all four of these bodies to work in harmony. Sometimes you need an energy worker to align these bodies and plumes for you. You can imagine them to be like a set of interpenetrating colanders - when the holes are lined up, the light can flow through the energy centers from your Higher Self (God) and you can function as God intended. Most of us don't have the 'holes' lined up, so that's something we have to work on to achieve our ascension. The key to fulfilling this requirement of the ascension process is striving to expand equally all three parts of your three fold flame through how you choose your thoughts, words and actions. Gaia is fast ascending into her fifth dimensional state of being. Human beings must ascend to the next level of human evolution of the fifth dimension through meditation, self inner work, raising vibrations, dissolving the ego, self love and affirmations. If the path of ascension is not chosen you may be left on a negative timeline with lower vibrational beings because you will be generating a lower vibrational signature than Gaia and her ascended beings. Give me a call or an email for a free consultation if this information resonates with you and we can discuss any issues or problems you may have and find the best fit and service for your healing or learning needs. Please call even if you just need to talk. In service to All. In service to the One.
Dana A Light Warrior/Way-Shower ❤️✨

Usui Reiki Lessons 1
History of Usui Reiki, Symbology, Attunement, Affirmations, When Completed Certification

Healing Services
Healing, Anti-Stress, Relaxation $40.00 for 30 minutes
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Aura Cleansing
Health Matters, Higher Vibrations, Unblocks Energy $55.00 for 30 minutes
Reiki Aura Clearing
The presence of negative psychic energy in the body of the aura is the cause of most illness and dysfunction. We therefore developed aura clearing, a Reiki technique for removing negative psychic energy.
Formerly called Reiki psychic surgery, this highly effective process uses Reiki energy to empower the hands so that practitioners can grasp negative psychic energy within or around themselves or others and send it up to the light.
The positive results of this process in healing and well-being are immediately apparent.

Usui Reiki 2
All Methods of Healings covered $125.00
Must have Certificate of Reiki 1 for this class: Reiki 2 Symbology and Emotional Issues, Distance Healings, Absence Healings, Byosen Scanning, Beaming using Reiki as treatments, and Attunement. Certificate of Completion after full course is completed.

This Is Not A Medical Practice
Quality Care
All content found on, including: text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website.
If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately. Dana Bruer LPN/Reiki Master/Intuitive Empath/Ascension Guide does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, Dana Bruer LPN\Reiki Master/Intuitive Empath/Ascension Guide opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on AngelWingsReikiForHealth&Wellness.com. Reliance on any information provided by AngelWingsReiki.com, Dana Bruer LPN/Reiki Master/Intuitive Empath/Ascension Guide employees, contracted writers, or medical professionals presenting content for publication to Dana Bruer LPN/Reiki Master/Intuitive Empath/Ascension Guide is solely at your own risk.
The Site may contain health-or medical-related materials or discussions regarding sexually explicit disease states. If you find these materials offensive, you may not want to use our Site. The Site and its Content are provided on an "as is" basis.
Links to educational content not created by Dana Bruer LPN/Reiki Master/Ascension Guide are taken at your own risk. Dana Bruer LPN/Reiki Master/Intuitive Empath/AscensionGuide is not responsible for the claims of external websites and education companies.

Distance Healing
Each of our clients are eligible for this personalized service. Distance healing is any form of healing energy "sent" across time and space that is received and has a healing effect on the recipient.
Schedule yours today!
$75.00 per session

Photo Past Lives and Higher Self Reading
Peer into past life experiences and higher self information you need to know.
Done by intuition. Results may vary by reading. Some photos are not readable due to intuition reading, this is negotiable.

Free Healing For Veterans and Their Guide Animals
Quality Care
Free healing Reiki for Veterans and their Guide Animals. Contact me at RedHotReikMasterLPN@gmail
We’re here to serve you. Have a question? Book a consultation today.

Contact Us (631)
In sickness and in health, I’m here for you and your loved ones. Contact me today.
57 Long Beach Drive Sound Beach NY United States 11789
1 (631) 769-4106