Solfeggios, Rife Frequencies, Binural Tones and Isochronic Tones all have healing abilities on the body. Whether it be human beings or animals the effects are the same. These frequencies emit healing frequencies that are naturally received by the command and control centers of the cell membranes and transforms its shape and integrity of the cells therefore improving upon the cells health by causing death and destruction to bacteria or viruses and/or restoring healthy cells back to health again.
Being that each of these groups of tones has a long history of healing use I will take the time to explain these one by one over the next two week period.
Please join me in the coming weeks for an exploration in a 4 Part Series on:
Harmonic Healing: The Healing Modalities of the Future
By: Dana Marie Bruer LPN/Reiki Master/Practitioner/Light Warrior/Intuitive Empath/Ascension Guide
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have @:
Join me on Wednesday 04/29/2020 when I will be releasing:
Harmonic Healing: The Healing Modalities of the Future
Solfeggio Frequencies: The Lost Art of Ancient Healing and the Balancing of Spirit
I hope to see you there!
Love, light,peace, joy and blessings to you all!