By Dana Marie Bruer LPN
Sit or lie down comfortably somewhere where you will not be disturbed for a while. Do not cross your legs or arms. Allow your ego to perch on your left shoulder only as an observer. Ask the Creator/God for a protective white light around you as you take a journey into the the Creator’s Light.
Breathe in deeply into your solar power center.
This is where your thymus, heart and solar plexus lie. We will now refer to this as your Solar Power Center (SPC).
Center your consciousness and visualize, or however you discern your SPC filled with Divine Light Particles of Creation.
By breathing deeply you can feel the energy build and work it’s way throughout your body.
Feel all this energy then traveling up your back/spinal
column where it meets the medulla oblongata where the lower part of your brain meets your spinal column.
This area of your brain controls your nerve centers which control breathing and circulation. This also connects you to your ascension chakra.
This is the energy of Creator Light. Feel the energy as it moves through the ascension chakra and out of the back of your head. This creates an arch about six inches above the top of your head. It then sweeps down across your face and re-enters the SPC again.
The energy continues on down the back/spinal column and proceeds to exit through the root chakra into the Earth (the perineum) in another arch this time flowing up the body in a return fashion to the SPC again, thus gaining more energy, Light and power each full breath cycle that is repeated.
Continually visualize the Infinity sign throughout the process of deep rhythmical breathing.
The Infinity sign is Light/Power and is arching further and further from your head and deeper and deeper into the Earth with each breath, always returning to your SPC with each rhythmic breath cycle.
This process should be continued as long as you’re comfortable doing so. Know that the more you do this you will be incorporating more and more precious Adamantine Particles into your being.
Not only is this relaxing and relieving to stress and pain, wondrously this will accelerate the process of clearing and cleansing the physical receptacle of any discordant energies thus filling the voids with Creator Light substance. This will give you access to higher and higher dimensional thought forms of new creation thus anchoring them into your physical reality and you will be able to share this with Gaia (Mother Earth) as well.
Our beloved Gaia will be full of gratitude for sharing these immense benefits from the Creator with her. In return she will harmonize and strengthen the connection between you as you and she do the work of Our Father/Mother God; turning this world into a paradise of Heaven on Earth.
Much Love, Light and Peace to you all!❤️✨☮️
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Dana Marie Bruer
Owner and CEO Of Angel Wings Reiki For Health and Wellness
Licensed Practical Nurse/Reiki Master/Teacher/Practitioner/ Accredited Certification in Meditation/Intuitive Empath/Light Warrior/Light Worker/Way Shower
Copyright © 2019
