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Tantra For Enlightenment and Empowerment

Writer's picture: Dana BruerDana Bruer

I recently went to a family wake and funeral and I was reflecting on life and death.

This is an exercise I found on the Net that is quite self empowering.

Tantra is very enlightening and empowering.

Love and light to you all!




Accept that your physical body will die and you move to live with full vitality, individuality and commitment.

Realize you and others will die prompts you to make authentic, intimate, feelingful, expressive contact. Knowing you’ll die gives you timetables for the tasks you’ve chosen to give meaning to your life. When you choose to die you take responsibility for creating your individual, unique life in the limited amount of time you have. This is the only opportunity you have to fully savor this moment. Carpe diem.

Accept your bodymind death and the hierarchy of consciousness and you can identify with broader regions of consciousness (such as a humanitarian cause, transcendent art, an archetypical deity form or unity consciousness).

Use Death to See Unfinished Communication and Tasks**

If you have a partner, the reader, read you the cues aloud and the instructions in [square brackets] silently. If you lack a partner, just follow each cue sentence, but respond aloud. You learn twice as much if you take another person through the cues.

Reader, start reading here.


Lie down. close your eyes. Remember someone you knew who died. Say that person’s name. [= X. Use name given above for ‘X]

Imagine X hears you now. Tell him/her what you Left unsaid.

Pretend you’re X and reply.

Have a dialogue–switch back and forth role-playing you and x.

If you’d like X to forgive you, ask.

Be X and forgive.

Be you again. If there’s something you held against X make a gesture of forgiveness and forgive him/her aloud.


Visualize your dearest living person. Tell me his or her person’s name [use for Y].

Make-believe Y has only a few hours of life left, hours to spend with you.

Talk to Y as though she or he were here now for the last time this life.

Imagine you’re Y. What, in these circumstances, do you say.

What, as yourself again, do you want to add?


Imagine you have one week to live. Fantasize a final get-together with the people and animals who mean the most to you. Say their names.

Tell all, some or one of them any unfinished feelings you have.

Tell them your angry feelings.

Say the truth don’t withhold- secrets, desires you held back.

Tell the people at your last get-together what you appreciate in them.

Tell them the loving feelings and physical impulses for them.

Fantasize and describe doing what you want your last week of life.


Imagine a way you–but nobody else you know–are dying. Describe your death scene and what leads up to it in the present tense, as though it happens as you tell it. Put your body in the physical position it has as it dies. [Wait till your partner moves into position]

Tell me who’s present when you die.Describe the situation. What would you do if you still could? How would that feel?

Say goodbye to each of the people you loved. Address each in turn and say your final words to them.

Tell each of them any unfinished feelings you have for each of them.

Tell them withholds–secrets, desires you held back.

Say what you appreciate, your loving feelings and physical impulses toward them.

Tell me what negative conclusions you draw from this life that you’re now completing.

What vengeful thoughts do you still have as you die?

What jealous thoughts do you have at your death scene? Say what you failed at in this life. Relate your successes in this life.

What positive conclusions do you draw from this life you’re now exiting?

What grateful, forgiving and loving thoughts are you dying with? Say your last thoughts aloud.

What’re your last words?

What does the life you’re exiting leave you feeling emotionally?

What angry feelings do you have as you leave this life? What resentments do you carry to your death?

If you want to let go of those thoughts, rather than carry them to future lives, express those resentments to those involved now.

Tell me any sad or hopeless emotions you have as you leave this life.

What are your regrets?

What bitter feelings do you have as you leave this life? What fears do vou carry as you leave this life?

What pains or physical traumas do you experience as you die?

[This paragraph should be read to women only]�

If you have the spirits of any babies in your abdomen, talk to them aloud and release their spirits.

Express emotions stored in injured, abused or neglected parts of your body before you die, so you don’t take these feelings on to future embodiments. If your wounds were perpetrated by another person, express your feelings to him or her.

If you injured or abused yourself, just express the emotions of your hurt parts to me.

What’re the last things you see? Tell me the last thing you hear. Say the last things you touch, smell and taste.

Move and make sounds as you experience your death. Feel life ebbing from you. [Allow several minutes, at least]

Imagine that you are laid out as you might be in a coffin, urn, or other funerary receptacle. (Gently lay partner’s body into a position of a body in a coffin.)

You’re going to go to your own funeral.****

See all the people who have come to your funeral. See them all.

There may be someone whom you’re surprised to see at your funeral. See if there’s someone like that. Say who.

Is there someone at your funeral who’s glad you’re dead? Take a look. Tell me who.”

Notice if someone at your funeral wishes he or she were dead instead of you. Tell me.

See the flowers people sent to your funeral. See them all. See and smell each bouquet separately.

Who sent you which flowers?

There’s music at your funeral. Hear the music.”

The people at your funeral come, one by one, to view your remains and pay their-last respects to you.

The first’? person to view your earthly remains is someone who you loved deeply when you were alive.

Who is this person? (the person’s name) approaches your coffin (or urn), you know what she (or he) is feeling and thinking.

Become (name.”) As voice your feelings and thoughts toward (partner’s name).

Now you’re quite dead, you cannot respond or reply to this person whom you loved. But if you could reply, what would you say at your funeral to this person you loved?”

If you were still able to move, how would you like to touch this person?

And now that person moves on, and the next person comes up to your coffin. This is a person who, when you were alive, loved you a great deal. Become this person, view and express your thoughts and feelings toward the deceased.

If you weren’t dead, and you still had one last chance to respond to this person who loved you, what would you do and how would you move toward this person?

The next person to come up to your lifeless form is someone who, in life, you had difficulty with. Who is this person?

Become this person and state your existence as you look at ‘s remains.

Become yourself, dead, again. Reply to this person as you might and move as you might if you weren’t dead.

[Have your partner successively be confronted in her funerary receptacle by each person of emotional importance to her present at her imaginary funeral.

For each have her successively become the other and voice thoughts and feelings as the other views your partner’s remains. Your partner then becomes herself and responds as she would were she not dead.]

Now that you’re dead you can reflect on a decision you were making in life and know clearly what you should have decided. Say what you should have decided.

Your eulogy-is about to begin. Notice who rises to speak about your life and its meaning. Who is this person and what do you feel about his (or her) speaking at your funeral?

Become the eulogizer and summarize, moralize and review the life of the deceased and the meaning of her existence.

Now become yourself, hearing your eulogy. Do you agree with what the eulogizer is saying?

Are there parts you disagree about?

Establish a dialogue between you and your eulogizer, shifting roles where appropriate.

This is your last party. Speak to everyone there, tell them all about yourself, your mistakes, suffering, love and longings. No longer do you need to protect yourself. It’s your last party; You can explode, be miserable, pitiful, insignificant or despicable. At your funeral you can be yourself.

Imagine your coffin is being covered (or your ashes are about to be cast, etc.) The light is shut off from your corpse. Your coffin is lowered into the ground. Then the handful, then shovels full of earth cover you. The world as you knew it is distant.

Are any disembodied souls or demonic spirits attached to you? If so, tell me what you know about them.

Let your body go through the throes of death. Exhale your last breath, experience your last heartbeat. Tell me exactly what is happening as you die.

Separate from your body and suffering. Feel relief and peace.

See, from above, the people nearby. Try, but fail to talk to and touch them. Realize you died.

Whoosh down a tunnel, then up toward the light. Let the spirits of loved ones who already died extend their hands to guide you and take you to the place of karmic review. Who reaches out to guide you up toward the light?

Let your guides take you to the loving beings of Light, the Karmic Guides or the Life-Review Committee. Let them show you, by giving you direct experiences, the main events of your life and their consequences for others. Say what you’re seeing.

Witness and tell me about the love you gave and the love you got. What did you need to learn from your life? What did you need to experience that life?

At what, if any, point, did things go wrong?

What was the meaning of that life, taken as a whole?

What would you do differently, if you had it to do again?

What did you contribute to humanity, to the consciousness of the cosmos.

Find in the spirit world, one-by-one, the spirits of those you hurt, betrayed or abandoned. What do you have to say to each of them? Identify with each of them in turn, and as them, reply.

If you failed in this life, communicate with the spirits of those whom you let down. Let them forgive and comfort you. Tell me what they say.Can you forgive yourself?

Find in the spirit world, one-by-one, the spirits of people who hurt, betrayed or abandoned-you. Let each of them, in turn, use your voice and talk to you.

And, now that you’re in the spirit world too, what do you have to say to each of them?

Dialogue aloud with any disembodied spirits attached to you from the life you just lived. Tell them to find their loved ones here in the light and to leave you now.

Converse aloud with any demonic spirits attached to you from the life you just lived. Tell them, “Look within and see that you, too,are of the light. So go now to your appointed place in the light.”

Imagine that the Beings of Light have decided that your tenure in the life you just reviewed shouldn’t be over so soon, that you’re being sent back to complete missions.

What’re your assignments?

If it was hard to forgive yourself for anything, let the Karmic Guides assign you tasks to balance your karma. You need not make up your karma with the same persons you hurt or failed. What are your karma-balancing tasks?

Return to this world. Wiggle your toes. Open and close your hands. Stretch. Swallow twice. Open your eyes; look at three things you enjoy seeing. Listen for three sounds you enjoy. Say your name and today’s date.

Return to this world. Wiggle your toes. Open and close your hands. Stretch. Swallow twice. Open your eyes; look at three things you enjoy seeing. Listen for three sounds you enjoy. Say your name and today’s date.


* Koestenbaum, P., 1978, The New Image of the Person: The Theory and Practice of Clinical Psychology|

**Woolger, R., 1987, Other Lives, Other Selves; Baldwin, W., Spirit Releasement Therapy, 2nd Edn; Fisher, J., 1985The Case for Reincarnation NY: Bantam�*** Huxley, L, 1963, You Are Not The Target


is a manual for you to experience advanced tantra and teach it to other people.

You learn to teach lovers and seekers how to:

* Master advanced tantra techniques

* Open all energy vortexes (chakras) to each other

* Refine relations

* Encourage female ejaculation and master male ejaculatory control

* Find meaning and purpose in relationships and life

* Reprogram parent imprints that diminish sex and love * Get satisfaction and sustain sex

* Mutually make more in sexualloving

* Delve dreams and pastlives

* Worship women and gratify guys

Also by the Lessins:


guides you through experiences that help you:

* Love each other more and better

* Open your energy vortexes (chakras) to each other

* Share your diverse inner-voices

* Learn what hurts and scares your Inner Kids

* Discern when to lower your subself shields

* Share vulnerability and connect with each other

* Synergize your inner selves’ dance within and between you

* Refine how you relate

* Heal each other’s hearts

* Encourage female ejaculation

* Master male ejaculatory control


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