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Soul Contracts

Writer's picture: Dana BruerDana Bruer

Our soul contracts are the agreements we make before physically incarnating.

Soul contracts can be between a mother, father, sister, brother, best friends, etc.

These relationships are often loving connections that teach us unconditional love, help us create growth, and transformation.

Soul contracts can and usually act as painful blockages. These blockages can stop people from achieving their dreams, finding a best friend, finding their dream employment or getting married to the person of dreams.

When Soul Contracts are standing in the way the person will experience deterring blockages that may be disheartening and confusing. When you have tried everything to make it work and it’s still not happening for you, it’s most likely a Soul Contract holding you back. Finding yourself in these situations over and over again is a pre birth agreement you made before incarnation. Keeping this energy pattern is keeping you stuck.

Until you learn, grow and move on from it you are tied to it. Other energy patterns from many lifetimes are creating limiting effects on your energy in this lifetime. These effects negatively contribute to your energy, health and wellness.

Different Soul Contracts are meant to teach certain lessons. From these lessons we can break free from these teachings and move up the ladder of succession in energy, ascension and incarnations.

I will list all:

1.The Soul Contract Of Martyrdom:

Perhaps you cannot and absolutely will not tell another soul “No.”

Are you feeling like you need to sacrifice everything for someone else’s happiness?

If you find yourself in the position of putting your wants, happiness and desires on hold for everyone else (including animals) even when it’s inconvenient for you at the time, then most likely you are tied to this contract.

Either your sick, tired and frustrated with life or your drained of all of your energy. You may even experience both.

On a selfish level you probably feel you don’t have one bone in your body that could be selfish. This is where the Martyrdom comes into play.

We are so caught up being concerned about being called selfish with our time, emotions and love that we often try to spread ourselves so thin to make up for not being able to be everywhere for everyone. This means you’re making decisions based on the possibility of being labeled selfish which is just an awful insult to you who gives so much.

Once capable of breaking this Martyrdom Soul Contract it doesn’t mean you can’t or won’t help anyone again but that you will divide your time better so you can make healthier choices about who to help and when and have the time to take care of yourself.

2. The Soul Contract Of Loyalty:

Standing by your lover, parent or friend takes guts. Let’s face it, it’s a norm in our society. But what about the person that you stand up for no matter what they’ve done or how they treat you?

When you find yourself saying “Well family is family.” or “I know there mean but they’re my family.”, or “I know, but I have to take it she’s my boss.”, there’s a Loyalty Soul Contract involved.

This contract creates a situation where the person feels they are being trampled on (and they are) by everyone they love.

This feeling usually makes a person feel helpless and trapped when they consider leaving the relationship. Abandoning the other person is just to much for them to bear and they often stick it out instead.

Loyalty Soul Contracts, even though they are a struggle, can be overcome. Thus allowing you to make personal or professional relationship changes even if you’ve struggled for years in these types of relationships. The people from these types of relationships will no longer have an influence over you.

3. The Soul Contract Of Loneliness:

I’m sure most of us can relate to the hunt for a soulmate. We can all agree it’s not easy, but what if we’re self sabotaging ourselves through unsevered soul contracts?

Have you spent time looking for your soulmate only to find disappointment, disease, addiction, failure, sadness and one miserable heartbreak after another?

Have you tried settling for someone who wasn’t right for you?

Have you played the field and still had no luck?

The Soul Loneliness Contract is most likely holding you back.

Although there are many different Soul contracts that can stand in the way of love, the most difficult to handle is the Soul Loneliness Contract.

Even amid Mr Right you will still feel alone, unvalid, and disparate. Feelings of being unsupported and separated will remain until this contract is worked on.

Once this soul contract is released you will be able to feel the love you so desperately deserve, without the release you are doomed to live alone without that feeling of love and inclusion.

4. The Soul Contract Of Anxiety:

Are you always nervous, anxious or worried?

Soul Contract Anxiety is what you most likely have.

Constant worrying about money coming and going.

When you’re done worrying about one thing do you start on another?

Most people think that this is a normal human behavior. Most likely it is a soul contract that you took out in a past life. This lifetime still thinks it’s valid so it’s acting upon it in this life.

Most would say, why would I make such a commitment to do such a thing?

Anxiety is like a quilt it wraps around everything we care about. So everything around us is affected. When we we have this type of soul contract we grow a heightened awareness of everything around us. Perhaps we took these contracts out to keep us from ever being surprised or hurt again.

Life should not be lived through a quilted filter of existence. Most people with anxiety do not or cannot enjoy their lives without dread nor can the people that live around them. They live in a constant state of flux and apprehension.

Once you’re able to release this soul contract you will be more attuned to your intuition (anxiety is a blockade of intuition). You’ll become more aware and able to trust your gut about what’s about to happen to you next. This will make a much more pleasant journey for you.

5. The Soul Contract Of Rocking The Boat:

The Soul Contract of Rocking The Boat is that of a person who marches to the beat of their own drum.

Most don’t often break the rules or “rock the boat” as the expression goes. Some are afraid to let you know exactly what they’re actually thinking or doing for fear of being criticized in failure of this contract. They may feel that they will be penalized or ostracized for things that are above and beyond the norm. So most of us commit to not rocking the boat to protect ourselves from this. To blend into the background and not be penalized or pointed out.

While this may have worked in a past life situation where maybe you were humiliated or made fun of, right now it’s holding you back from starting a business, going back to school, becoming an expert or becoming a writer, etc.

After you release this soul contract you will feel open. This is truly an a-ha moment in your life. This is when the light turns on and your brain and heart say, “so that’s how this works.”

This is when you will be able to faithfully blaze your own path.

Things begin to move forward steadily after this point.

Releasing And Clearing Blocks:

You can release and clear blockages

either through self examination or through the guidance of an expert. Usually Past Lives Soul Contracts can be dissolved through awareness. It’s not an easy task though.

First you cannot just break any soul contract you want to. Things just don’t work this way.

There is much work to be done to understand whether or not this contract is actually hampering your life or how it has served you.

Your second step is being aware of the soul contract and how it has been affecting your life.

Look for patterns in behaviors of each contract.

Eventually you will notice your patterns and it will become easier and easier to realize these situations.

Once you’ve gotten this part done you will come to a point of total clarity where everything will make sense.

For example: “Are you going to take our bosses grandmother food shopping?”

There is now a small pause in the timing of your response to this question. Thus creating an opportunity to allow yourself the chance to say, “No. I do not want to follow the same path I’ve been following going nowhere!”

At this point it’s okay to make the same decision and get the same results, but now you are way more aware than you ever were before and being this way helps you to make the healthier choices in life.

After grasping the handle on your soul contracts you’ll be able to understand where and how it’s been affecting your life.

Once you start making some profound decisions about these contracts I’ve found that I’ve been able to deepen my release with automatic writing.

We cannot make a wrong decision. It’s whatever feels right for you.

Once you realize that it’s a process and it needs to be gone through to release this imprint on your life, your life gets better.

Being aware of the issues and taking the steps to eradicate it from our lives is one of the most empowering things on this Earth we can do as human beings.

So to sum it up:

1.Self Examination

2.Self Awareness

3.Look For Patterns

4.Be Aware Of Patterns

5.Make Healthier Choices

6.Automatic Writing

7.Seek out Past Life Guidance if things become to difficult.

We should never be afraid to ask for help.

Good works is giving to the poor and the helpless, but divine works is showing them their worth to the One who matters.

-Criss Jami

By: Dana Marie Bruer LPN/Reiki Master/Practitioner/Light Warrior/Intuitive Empath/Ascension Guide

Join me Friday 06/14/2019 when I will release an article about “The Violet Flame”


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1 Comment

May 31, 2019

Hi there i have been through so much trauma in my life of every kind physical mental & sexual i suffered so much with alcohol & drug dependancy i suffered a lot of neglect as a child & adult i got raped at knifepoint at 30 yrs old and got raped again 6 months later my mother let me get physical & sexually abused when i was 8 yrs old ive had 2 violent marriages and lost my children . Iam now having regular nightmares its getting to the point where i dont want to go to sleep . Iam on meds for ptsd & depression both have common side effects of abnormal dreams . Im feeling very drained im…

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