We all have karmic relationships that
do not respect healthy boundaries in their partners lives.
These people serve only their own self-interest and needs and are usually around to teach you a lesson or two. They are the perfect template for forming abusive or co-dependent relationship complexes and can take up long aspects of your life and energy. While one person is usually very invested in the relationship, the other person views it more as a convenience and a chance to capitalize on the relationship.
We all have soul contracts with every person in our lives. The people we know are not just randomly placed in our lives. Karma from these soul contracts and entering into them is a choice which we can make. We can make the decision to end Samsara and take the road that leads to Nirvana, without any need to repay karma. I find this overwhelmingly empowering, almost beyond belief.
We have something to learn by being able to identify our own karmic patterns. We are capable of breaking and removing past life karma, behaviors, and patterns and move beyond duality, dissolving any separation between us.
Dana Marie Bruer LPN/Reiki Master/Intuitive Empath/Ascension Guide
Join me at the end of the week 05/17/2019 when I will release “How To Break Karmic Ties”
