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Benefits of Reiki

Writer's picture: Dana BruerDana Bruer

Enhances Natural Healing -

One of the greatest health benefits from Reiki healing is stress reduction and relaxation, which triggers the body's abilities to naturally heal (immune system), it aids in better sleep and improves and maintains health. The regular practice of Reiki on yourself or by a Practitioner also balances the mind and emotions.

Fosters Peacefulness, Helps Calm The Mind-

Reiki healing calms the mind from chatter bringing a sense of peace to you.

Engenders A Positive Outlook -

Now there's scientific proof that you are capable of healing yourself and improving your life when you’re optimistic and focus on things getting better. It can all start by applying the right types of positive thinking so that you direct your subconscious mind to heal your body and improve your life.

Relieves Tightened Muscles -

Reiki doesn't just help relieve chronic pain; it also works on an emotional level. People who suffer from chronic pain tend to experience depression. Reiki healing helps with depression and overall emotional wellbeing.

Eases Tension And Stress-

Reiki is a powerful relaxation and a Japanese practice

and it reduces tension and relieves stress. It induces a meditative state while infusing the person and practitioner with life force energy. This energy is capable of healing the body, mind, and spirit, and balances the emotions.

Promotes Pain Relief -

Reiki is considered an ancient Japanese technique and a form of alternative medicine also sometimes referred to as a "biofield" therapy. In alternative medicine, Reiki is a treatment in which healing energy is channeled from the practitioner to the person to enhance energy and reduce stress, pain, and fatigue.

Balances The Body’s Energies -

A Reiki energy healing session benefits all aspects of your being – mental, physical, spiritual and emotional. Human beings are not only a physical body, but an energetic body, and when our energy is out of alignment or depleted this is when sickness, depression and anxiety sneak in. What we hold energetically in our space has a huge impact on how we experience ourselves and our life. Energy healings aim to bring about balance and improve the flow of energy throughout the body. Sessions can be powerful or subtle, bringing about immediate relief, or sometimes relief a few days after a session, as the energetic and physical bodies re-align. Shifting your energy, being able to heal your life.

Strengthens Spiritual Connection -

The increased ability of accessing spiritual gifts is not limited to the practitioner. The client also receives increased benefits as well.  Reiki can also cause energy shifts in the person that work to clear low energy from his or her body.  Lower energy can leave one feeling less than optimal and hinder the connection with the higher chakras. During a Reiki session, the practitioner is attuned to sense the areas of the person that are holding energy or that are blocked and work to normalize the flow of energy to that area. This can include clearing the aura of blocks, repairing auric imbalances, and balancing the chakra system, and working on other areas of the physical self that are in need.  Healing other physical ailments can be helpful since they are a physical reminder and a sign that something bigger is going on within the body or energy system that needs to be addressed.

Clearing and balancing the energetic body is capable of increasing the vibration of the body allowing a person’s energy to meet the energy of spirit halfway.  When this energy is met halfway then the person is physically able to sustain communications from spirit. The person may be able to connect with spirit through sensing presence, physically feeling, hearing, and seeing.

Reiki also helps prepare the mind for opening such gifts. 

Along with meditation and mantras, energy should maintain an even flow.

Adapts To Your Individual Needs -

Reiki helps with restoration and strengthening each person’s life force. No matter what the individual’s needs are, Reiki will support a person’s stability and well-being. ... Any person, animal, or plant that is in need can be helped with Reiki healing treatments. They can be given either through the laying on of hands or through distant healing practices.

Reiki is a beneficial balancing and clearing tool for your “Life Source Energy.“

“Life is a highway”

-Rascal Flatts

Keep your highway clean and smooth with Reiki.


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